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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Academic Writer
Official resource on APA citation and writing style.

Alexander Street Press – Streaming Videos
Streaming content from Alexander Street Press. Coverage includes a wide range of academic subject areas.

AtoZ the World Basic information about the world’s countries.

AtoZ The World Culture Cultural Information about world’s countries.

Business Source Complete
Articles and additional material on all aspects of business, economics, accounting, banking, marketing, management, finance, etc.

Career and Technical Education
Career and career education articles.

Chronicle of Higher Education News of higher education.

CountryWatch Overviews of the economic, social, political, health and environmental data and issues for countries of the world.

Credo Reference Reference books in all disciplines; titles are also available via the online catalog.

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics Authoritative source of scientific and mathematical data.

Criminal Justice Periodicals Articles on drug and law enforcement, crime and criminals, prisons, security, family law, etc.

Diversity Studies Collection Articles providing global coverage of diversity and cultural issues.

DSM-5-TR (New)
Contains descriptions, symptoms, and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders.

ebrary (Ebook Central)
Ebooks covering all disciplines; titles are also available via the online catalog.

Master list of available EBSCO databases across disciplines.

EBSCO ebooks
Ebooks covering all academic disciplines; titles are also available via the online catalog.

ERIC (Education):
Access to educational articles, reports and other documents.

Films On Demand
Educational films across all disciplines.

Gale Databases 
Master list of available Gale full text periodical datbases across disciplines.

Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context
Articles on political, social, scientific, educational and environmental issues and topics.

​Gender Studies Collection
Articles providing interdisciplinary coverage of all aspects of gender studies.

General Science Full Text
Articles across all scientific disciplines.

Articles and additional resources on all aspects of human interaction with the environment.

Guides Peruse the Rothrock Library Libguides in order to learn valuable research strategies. Topics covered include a refresher on basic information literacy, assistance in creating citations, and course specific resources.

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
Articles from nursing, allied health and medical periodicals.

ICD-11: 06 Mental, behavioral or neurodevelopmental disorders
Resource from WHO for psychology diagnostic coding.

Issues & Controversies
Worldwide coverage of current events and issues in the news.

JAVMA: Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources.

JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources.

Kanopy Videos
Small Collection of streaming videos.

Literature Online
Source of some original works as well as articles on world writers and their writings.

Literature Resource Center
Articles on world writers and their writings.

Military and Government
Articles on military and governmental issues.

MLA Handbook Plus
students and instructors can access online the new ninth edition of the MLA Handbook through the Rothrock Library.

Morning Call Collection
Allentown’s newspaper; access since 1984 via Newsbank.

Morning Call
Allentown’s newspaper.

Morning Call: Web Edition
Allentown’s newspaper : Web Edition.

Access to over 1,300 U.S. newspapers and news magazines.

Access to a wide range of periodicals

OVID Nursing Journals
Full text nursing collection that includes American Journal of Nursing (AJN) and Nursing.

Professional Development (Education) Articles and reports on all educational issues.

Articles across all disciplines.

ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source Articles in nursing, physical and occupational therapy and other allied health treatments and services.

PsycARTICLES Articles from periodicals published by the APA and associated publishers.

Psychology (ProQuest) Articles from psychology and discipline related periodicals.

Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Articles from psychology and discipline related periodicals.

PubMed Articles from the biomedical sciences.

RefWorks RefWorks is an easy-to-teach, learn, and use reference management service that simplifies research workflow.

Religion and Philosophy Articles in religion and philosophy.

Swank Streaming Videos
Provides streaming access to feature films.

Symptom Media – Videos
Provides access to Symptom Media Video Content.

Symptom Media – Videos
Provides access to Symptom Media Activity Content.

Vocational and Career
Articles from periodicals covering industries and the trades.

Wall Street Journal
Full text of the Wall Street Journal since 1984.

Westlaw Campus
A comprehensive database of resources for researching U.S. Law.

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