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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Hire an LCCC Cougar

The team in the Career Development Center can support the recruiting needs of businesses in the area. You can share job or internship opportunities with LCCC students or alumni on the Cougar CLAW.

  • Recruit our current students and alumni by posting part-time, full-time job or internship opportunities
  • Be a part of our job shadow program
  • Partner with Career Development to host student centered events
  • Serve as a sponsor for events
  • Request information sessions
  • Schedule on-campus interviews with students or LCCC alumni who wish to join your company
  • Attend a job fair at one of our three campus locations to recruit attendees for positions

Career Resources

Focus2 Career Guidance

FOCUS is a self-paced, online career and education planning tool for use by college students. It will enable you to self-assess your career relevant personal qualities and explore career fields and major areas of study that are most compatible with your assessment results. Students who use FOCUS make better decisions about their goals and plans and learn how to self-manage their careers.

Use FOCUS to help you choose or change your major and also to verify your preferences or early choice of a career field.

Use these links to get started on FOCUS

You can log on to an account you’ve already created…or
Create a new account using “cougars” as the Access Code
Then meet with us to discuss the results!

  • A fun and efficient way to explore careers!
  • Discover career fields you did not even know existed and learn what it takes to get there.
  • Save your favorites to help guide your college and/or career discussions with your family and Career Development Staff.
  • Use the advice to further educate yourself on your favorite careers, complete prerequisites, and pursue internships and job openings.
  • Search By: Industry, Career Title, College Major, or Keyword.

Candid Career

Whether you are exploring majors or careers or preparing for a job interview Candid Career has the videos to help!

U-Thrive Career Educational Services

Cultural competency is important for college graduates. Our communities continue to grow more diverse and our workforce as well. Understanding and collaborating effectively with people of all different backgrounds is important to employers in various sectors. Through the U-Thrive platform, we are happy to offer the opportunity to LCCC students to complete a free training on diversity, equity, and inclusion, earning a certificate of completion at the end!

Explore U-Thrive Career Educational Services (Enrollment Key: LCCCDEISTU23)


Virtual and in-person appointments are available.
Student Services Center, Room 4

