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Lehigh Carbon Community College

General Guidelines

  1. Documentation should be typed on letterhead stationary or be in report form.
  2. Documentation should include the following:
    • A clearly stated diagnosis of a disability
    • The student’s functional limitation in a postsecondary academic environment
    • The signature, printed name, title, and professional credentials of the evaluator
    • The date of evaluation
  3. Documentation must be a comprehensive assessment addressing the ability to function in a postsecondary academic environment. An IEP/504 plan may not be sufficient documentation by itself. The IEP may be included to support the psycho-educational evaluation or other medical documentation.
  4. The documentation guidelines are given to assist the student in obtaining appropriate documentation from qualified professionals to support accommodation requests in postsecondary academic program.
  5. Disability Support Services staff will review the submitted documentation and determine appropriateness of the documentation and accommodations on a case-by-case basis.

Documentation Guidelines for Specific Conditions


LCCC’s verification of disability form or an evaluation report that covers items addressed in the form, completed by a psychiatrist, neurologist, licensed psychologist, or other qualified professional.

Learning Disability

A comprehensive psycho-educational evaluation, with diagnostic data that is current from a qualified professional. The report should include:

  • A clearly stated diagnosis of a learning disability with functional limitations clearly provided.
  • Information on diagnostic criteria used to determine diagnosis and functional limitations. (E.g. Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale, Stanford Binet, Woodcock Johnson, Weschler Individualized Achievement Test, Nelson Denny, etc.)
  • Individualized recommendations for reasonable accommodations in a postsecondary environment.

Mobility, Sensory, Health or Medical Impairments

LCCC’s verification of disability form or a report that covers items addressed in the form, completed by a qualified professional.

Neurological Disorders

If relevant to the condition, a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation, with diagnostic data that is current from a qualified professional. The report should include:

  • A clearly stated diagnosis of a neurological impairment with functional limitations clearly provided.
  • Information on diagnostic criteria used to determine diagnosis and functional limitations. (E.g. Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale, Stanford Binet, Woodcock Johnson, Weschler Individualized Achievement Test, Nelson Denny, etc.)
  • Individualized recommendations for reasonable accommodations in a postsecondary environment.


If the impairment does not require a neuropsychological evaluation to determine then:

LCCC’s verification of disability form completed by a qualified professional.

Psychiatric/Psychological Disorders

LCCC’s verification of disability form or a report that covers items addressed in the form, completed by a qualified professional.

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